Lusine is the French word for The Factory. It is an homage to all the Warhols of the world. All those with disdain for the status quo of a defined or insinuated model. All of those with the defiant nature shared by artists and winemakers past and present.

Fine wine like fine art also elicits romantic visions. Vineyards drenched in dappled sunlight or candle lit caves. Grey haired British ladies and gentlemen describing the traits and aromatics of a given wine in the Queens best English.
I believe Warhol chose the name The Factory to mock the critics and the establishment. To mock the stuffy pretense associated with fine art. By definition a factory churns out product. Art like wine is, but is not, a product.
Lusine is the French word for The Factory. It is an homage to all the Warhols of the world. All those with disdain for the status quo of a defined or insinuated model. All of those with the defiant nature shared by artists and winemakers past and present. Pablo Picasso said it best.
Good artists borrow, great artists steal
I want to be a thief.