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Organic Winegrowing & Winemaking
05 May 2016

Wines that implement both organic winegrowing and winemaking practices vary greatly from those using conventional methods. Grapes that are harvested from organically grown vines differ significantly from those from conventionally grown vines. Without the support of chemical straying organic vines compete with grasses for minerals and water. Vigour is naturally curbed, plants are less active at harvest time and therefore deliver lower yields and later ripen time. Once harvested, the grapes destined for an Organic Wine are led down a path of low intervention when compared with those of conventional winemaking. Sulphur levels are restricted, yeast strains are limited and only selected fining products are available. The flavours are more fragile, or delicate and therefore winemakers must be careful during production to ensure that the balance between winemaker and vineyard is maintained.