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Cocktail of the Week
The Stout Diplomat
07 May 2012

Have you ever thought about using beer in cocktails? If you think not then think again. With the vast array of beautiful aromas and flavours that craft beers in general offer on the market place today you would be foolish to write off the concept. Long gone are the days of depth chargers and snakebites (for the most part anyway, thank the heavens), I'm talking about stylish flavours with stylish beers.

Here I have used the rich and luscious stoke Bomber Oatmeal Stout. You've got to look at the flavours the beer offers and go from there. This one was easy - a rich and fragrant rum smoothed off by a sweet and luscious sherry. This makes for a lovely late night tipple/dessert option.

Make sure your ingredients are cold because quite obviously we don't want to be shaking beer, not unless you can figure a way to do so without spilling any.

30ml Mount Gay Extra Old Rum - (chilled)

15ml Valdespino Pedro Ximenez Sherry - (chilled)

180ml Stoke Bomber Oatmeal Stout

Chill all ingredients well and build in a chilled highball glass. Pour the beer the serve immediately.